Melanie Stilz
Mel co-founded Konnektiv in 2013 with René Schodder and Geraldine de Bastion. She works as a consultant and researcher in the field of digitization, education, and development cooperation.
Before co-founding Konnektiv, Mel worked for the Centre for International and Intercultural Communication (ZIIK) at TU Berlin, primarily managing technology and education-related projects in Afghanistan. Other previous cooperations include One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Afghanistan, Ustad Mobile (Mobile Literacy), GIZ, MICT, Parliamentwatch, and GIG. Mel holds degrees in European Ethnology and Computer Science (M.A., HU Berlin, and FU Berlin) and Communication Studies (Ph.D., Dublin City University).
She currently holds a position as a Visiting Professor for Digitization, Education, and Media Literacy at TU Berlin. Mel is also a Junior Fellow of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) and the Co-Founder of cyber4EDU e.V.
T: +49 30 577 0576 21