Geraldine de Bastion

Co-Founder & CEO

Geraldine co-founded Konnektiv in 2013 with René Schodder and Melanie Stilz and together with René Schodder leads the company as CEO. Geraldine is head of the consultancy department which offers different knowledge services such as expert research and analyses, project design and implementation, and strategic consultation.

In addition, Geraldine is a popular moderator and public speaker at events around digital transformation, sustainability, and innovation. She hosts events such as re:publica, Start Up Energy Transition (SET) Tech Festival, and NZZ X.Days. Furthermore, Geraldine has given keynote talks for TedX events, Federal Ministry events like the Civic Innovation Platform Award, and startup events including the Nürnberg Digital Festival.

Her work over the last 18 years has focused on digital transformation and international cooperation, innovation, and human rights. Geraldine has a background in political sciences and is bilingual (en/de) with an intercultural background. She has experience working with activists, governments, startups, and NGOs across the world.

Geraldine is also the founder of the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG), a network of grassroots innovators, social entrepreneurs, founders, and managers of makerspaces, hackerspaces, and innovation hubs. In 2018, she authored and moderated the ARTE documentary “Digital Africa” which captures many of the innovator’s activities in the GIG network.

Since 2012, she has been part of the curatorial team for the re:publica, Europe’s largest conference on the topic of the internet and society, and regularly organizes and curates events in the field of politics and digitization. In 2018, she organized the first re:publica in Accra, Ghana with over 2000 participants and over 260 speakers from across Africa.

Geraldine has been a member of the BMBF Zukunftskreis since 2019. Furthermore, she has been named by the City of Berlin as a member of the City Lab Advisory Board and a member of the Smart City Strategy Advisory Board. Geraldine is part of the Development Service and Humanitarian Aid Committee (AEDHH) for Brot für die Welt.


T: +49 30 577 0576 23

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Further Activities and Projects

Global Innovation Gathering - Executive Board

Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) is a vibrant, diverse community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces, and other grassroot innovation community spaces and initiatives, as well as individual innovators, makers, technologists, and changemakers.

BMBF VORAUS:schau - Zukunftskreis

Der Zukunftskreis von VORAUS:schau! berät, welche Zukunftsthemen für den Bereich Bildung und Forschung von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Er setzt sich aus vom BMBF berufenen Fachleuten aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Kultur zusammen.

CityLab Berlin - Beirat

Das CityLAB ist ein öffentliches Experimentierlabor für die Stadt der Zukunft. Ein ständig wachsendes Netzwerk aus Verwaltung, Zivilgesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Start-ups arbeitet hier gemeinsam an neuen Ideen für ein lebens­werteres Berlin.

Smart City Berlin Strategiebeirat

Die Berliner Smart City Strategie identifiziert verschiedene Handlungsfelder, innerhalb derer Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft die Smart City Berlin gemeinsam mit den Bürger*innen der Stadt voranbringen

Ausschuss Entwicklungsdienst und humanitäre Hilfe

Der Ausschuss berät die Leitung von Brot für die Welt bei entwicklungspolitischen, förderpolitischen, kommunikativen, Fundraising- und bildungsbezogenen Grundsatzfragen.

Events and Moderation