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  • Unsere re:publica 2024

    Wow, die diesjährige re:publica war wieder ein absolutes Highlight für konnektiv. Einen Monat später möchten wir zurückblicken und euch an unseren Highlights des Programms und den Einblicken, die wir auf der re:publica gewonnen haben, teilhaben lassen. Natürlich waren wir nicht nur als Zuschauer*innen dabei, sondern sowohl mit Konnektiv als auch mit GIG wieder Teil des…

  • Fachgespräch: Digitale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit 2021 – Ideen & Aufgaben für die neue Legislaturperiode

    Am 08. September 2021 fand das Fachgespräch “Digitale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit 2021 – Ideen & Aufgaben für die neue Legislaturperiode” statt, das von der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Brot für die Welt, dem Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung und Konnektiv durchgeführt wurde. Es nahmen 22 Experten teil, die zu dem Event geladen wurden, um Ideen für die digitale Entwicklungspolitik in…

  • Are we doing enough to achieve digital gender equality?

    As part of the Digital Debate series from International Civil Society Centre, our CEO Geraldine de Bastion was invited to discuss innovative ways of thinking and doing digital gender equality around the world. “Digital Debate: The Gender Gap” event on March 3, 2021 was hosted by Barbara Iverson with guests Geraldine de Bastion, Kokoévi Sossouvi, and Maja Kraljič. If you missed the event, here are 10 key points to take away…

  • Online discussion: Who controls the data? Perspectives on digital sovereignty from the Global South

    Konnektiv and the Heinrich Boell Foundation Washington, DC hosted an online discussion on perspectives on digital sovereignty in the Global South.

    Digital technologies are instrumental for global exchange and connectivity – nothing illustrates this better than the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet there is fierce competition over who gets to reap the benefits of cross-border data flows. The United States and China are in a process of decoupling their digital spheres while the European Union is asserting its digital sovereignty by launching Gaia-X, the European cloud…

  • #Road2IGF: Data, Sovereignty, Democracy and a Global South Perspective

    In November 2019 the Global Innovation Gathering (GIG) and the United Nations Association of Germany hosted a warm up event #Road2IGF: Data, Sovereignty, Democracy and an African Perspective in the context of the Internet Governance Forum which took place in Berlin.

    How do we ensure people and democracies are informed and empowered through data driven systems such as AI rather than exploited and undermined? What infrastructures and data protection policies do we need? These and other questions were explored during the #Road2IGF event with four political analysts and civil society representatives.

    With the aim of giving a larger platform to civil society representatives from the global south at this year’s IGF, the event was supported by Konnektiv, as we often collaborate with GIG due to the shared mission of making development cooperation more open and innovative…